On this week’s episode of the Cloud Plumbing Podcast, an internet technical talk show hosted by Ryan Parsley, I had the pleasure of hanging out with Ryan for a bit and talking about Startups, Entrepreneurship and Career Passion.
During my career I have launched a number of startups and was entrepreneurial from a very young age. In this show we talk a little about my career as an entrepreneur, my stint in corporate IT leadership and the contrast between the two. We chat about my current startups and what it’s like launching a new business out of an existing established business. We also discuss my thoughts on agile, team colocation and remote workers.
One of the last things we discuss is the importance of career passion and community. And at the end of the episode, I announce a new community initiative for developers wanting to get practical, deep, hands-on experience with Windows Azure.
Check out the podcast at http://cloudplumbing.com/episode/eric-boyd-interview.
Thanks to Ryan for having me on the Cloud Plumbing Podcast. Thanks to Jason Milgrim, Founder of Linxter, for introducing me to Ryan and for Linxter’s sponsorship of the show. And lastly, thanks to Stephanie Helf, Linxter’s Marketing Manager for organizing everything.