Leaving for Silicon Valley and Cloud Connect

This afternoon I’ll be leaving the Midwest and headed to Silicon Valley for Cloud Connect Santa Clara. Cloud Connect’s goal is to chart the course of cloud computing’s development by bringing together enterprise IT professionals, developers, infrastructure and service providers and cloud computing innovators. Cloud Connect is a one-of-a-kind event that encompasses the entire cloud computing ecosystem featuring a Launch Pad program, IT & Developer workshops and a full conference program.

On Thursday, I’m presenting “Applications at Scale” with Dan Bartow from SOASTA and Dave Roberts from ServiceMesh. In one hour, we will walk through the lifecycle of internet scale applications from architecture and development, to performance testing, to governance. I will be focusing on the architecture and development of internet scale applications and design patterns for scaling data using cloud platforms.

The Cloud Connect conference schedule is incredible starting with an Introduction to Cloud PaaS Architecture on Monday morning with Marc Mercuri and Mark Kottke, Three Patterns for Cloud Use in Your Organization with Brian Prince on Tuesday afternoon, and a ton of other great sessions and speakers throughout the week.

If you are going to Cloud Connect too, I hope to see you there.